Last updated: 8th May 2025
AS LEGAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED, trading as OLS is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our business and supply chain. This Modern Slavery Statement sets out the steps we have taken and continue to take to ensure that our business and supply chain are free from slavery and human trafficking. This statement is made under Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”) and covers the financial year ending 2025.
Our Business
AS LEGAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED is a UK-based financial services company offering loans and other financial products through our website, Our headquarters are at 120 Carstairs Street, Strathclyde Business Centre, Glasgow, G40 4JD, United Kingdom.
Our Commitment
We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking and are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings. We implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place anywhere within our business or supply chain.
Policies and Procedures
We have implemented the following policies and procedures to help prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chain:
- Modern Slavery Policy: Our Modern Slavery Policy reflects our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking and guides our employees on how to identify and report any potential instances of modern slavery.
- Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct sets the ethical standards and behaviours we expect from our employees, suppliers, and business partners, including our commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking.
- Supplier Code of Conduct: Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the standards we expect from our suppliers, including compliance with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We require our suppliers to comply with this code and implement appropriate due diligence processes within their supply chains.
- Whistleblowing Policy: Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking within our business or supply chain. This policy provides employees with a confidential and anonymous reporting mechanism.
Due Diligence and Risk Assessment
We conduct due diligence on our suppliers to assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our supply chain. This includes:
- Supplier Screening: We screen our suppliers against publicly available sources, such as government watchlists, to identify any potential risks related to modern slavery or human trafficking.
- Supplier Audits: We may audit our suppliers to verify their compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, including their efforts to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking within their supply chains.
- Risk Assessment: We periodically assess the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain, taking into account factors such as the geographical location, industry sector, and business practices of our suppliers.
Training and Awareness
We provide training and raise awareness among our employees about modern slavery and human trafficking, including how to identify potential instances of slavery and how to report any concerns. This training is provided to all new employees during their induction and is periodically refreshed for existing employees.
Monitoring and Reporting
We regularly monitor our business and supply chain to ensure compliance with our policies and procedures related to modern slavery and human trafficking. We also encourage our employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report any concerns or suspicions of modern slavery or human trafficking within our business or supply chain.
We will investigate and take appropriate action in response to any reported instances of modern slavery or human trafficking, including disciplinary action against employees, termination of supplier contracts, and reporting to relevant authorities where necessary.
External Resources
For further information
on modern slavery and human trafficking, please refer to the following external resources:
- UK Modern Slavery Act 2015:
- UK Government’s Guidance on the Modern Slavery Act:
- International Labour Organization:–en/index.htm
- United Nations Global Compact:
Continuous Improvement
We recognize that the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking is an ongoing responsibility, and we are committed to continuously improving our policies, procedures, and practices to ensure that our business and supply chain remain free from slavery and human trafficking.
We will review and update this Modern Slavery Statement on an annual basis to reflect our ongoing efforts and progress in this area.
This Modern Slavery Statement has been approved by the Board of Directors of AS LEGAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our approach to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking or require further information, please contact us at
AS LEGAL AND FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED 120 Carstairs Street Strathclyde Business Centre Glasgow, G40 4JD United Kingdom